Thursday, December 18, 2008

Growing Up

It has taken me some time to write my next comment, and you may think (with a wry smile), "commerce has won!". Well, that is correct for the time being at least.

But honestly, all that I have been doing in this state of e-hibernation has been actually meeting tonnes and tonnes of people - those that I knew, those that I am only getting to know now..and in all these instances, trying to discover the persons and of course myself.

And this has been my process of growing up! What do I do differently from what I used to do before? Well, here is a list of some of them:
1. Freedom of thought: I do not now worry about whether my thoughts fit into a particular organisational norm. If, at that moment, I believe that what I am planning has a good objective, I go ahead and pursue the idea without worrying about other consequences.
2. 24/7, and I mean it: Life has actually become 24/7. This means that I constantly keep thinking of what all I can or should do. Earlier, I used to insist that I would not take any calls after 6:30 p.m. in the evening. Sadly, I do not think I can insist on that any more.
3. Manage all and everything: Suddenly, I realise that there is no one else to seek advice from (actually now others seek advice from me). Therefore, I am both the initiator and a decision maker. It feels funny initially, but I am slowly getting used to it.
4. Agendas and agendas: Meeting so many people has also cautioned me about possible agendas of people. Now, when someone wants to meet me or talk to me, the first thing that I ask for is a clearly spelt out agenda. No more meetings and discussions which are endless and meaningless (unless of course, the client pays for them)
5. Possibilities: I have discovered that possibilities are endless, means to acheive them are limited. I am certain that ideas are generated at the drop of a hat. Everyone that I meet appears to have a brilliant idea that no one else has ever thought about. He is sure that this wil be world-changing and a sure success. In reality, they turn out to be only dreams. Now, when I meet such persons, I ask them to meet me after 6-9 months and explore whether the fervour of the idea stil exists or is replaced with a new one!

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