Thursday, July 12, 2007

I dig therefore I am

Someone once told me that I do'nt have the bxxxs to be an entrepreneur. The thought bothered me for quite some time; I could not take it as a challenge thrown at me and neither could I accept it without at least questioning myself.

Well, here I am now, an entrepreneur in the making. The past few months I have been digging deep into the business of enterprise creation. I have realised that the size of the bxxxs has nothing to do with the ability to run a business. The few things that are required for making a success in a business are:
  • perseverance
  • persuasiveness
  • perspiration
  • perspicacity

Not necessarily in that order, of course. But then, as you notice, there are no B words in my list! once I knew that I had all the above, the next serious question for me was, what business should I get into. Somethings, I knew that I could not do without were:

  • If I had to be in a business, I would need to be in one which gives me joy. If I am not excited by the prospect of being in that business for the rest of my life, it was probably not worth attempting it at all.
  • I had to ensure that there was at least one genuine consumer for what I wanted to offer. This is only a business necessity, since otherwise, I would be out of business even before I started!
  • For example, if one has a hobby of collecting matchboxes (and enjoys doing so), there better be someone who is interested in the trade of match boxes. My passion, as you will not from other postings, is collection of customer feedback questionnaires. I am therefore trying to make a business out of it.
  • Business cannot happen in a rush. One has to let the feeling seep through you, savour the experience, see if it feels right, and then plunge in slowly.
  • The main motive need not be to make money. If all the above P's were in place, money would be a natural outcome. Therefore, among the initial criteria, money could not be a major one.

What I intend doing for the next few months is to continue to explore this space. See if it continues to excite me, and feel my way through. I will, of course, require help from other like minded people (and I hope to meet more in the course of the next few months) and also financial resources.

As they say, watch this space!

1 comment:

Incredibly Inscrutable said...

Thoroughly enjoyed reading your insights into becoming an intrepid entrepreneur, Sir. I wish I had come across this blog page a year ago. But as they so famously say - 'better late than never.'